My two Italian candidates for the world's prettiest are Portofino in Liguria and Ravello in Campania.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Maybe the most beautiful city in the world
by DJS ini have been to frejus, cannes, st. tropez and san rafael (maybe the most beautiful city in the world - no wait that would be cannes, or san tropez).
i traveled the coastal highway one day from s. of hyeres to monte carlo.
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Room 215
Shrink, shrink, shrink and retrench... such is the future for the WTBTS.
New commentary on revelation coming up?
by EdenOne ini heard through the grapevine about a forthcoming book:.
together through the great tribulation - come to jehovah's mountain.
still awaiting solid confirmation though.
Room 215
How many stabs in the dark at interpreting Revelation does this make for them?
RC 2017 Rumors
by wifibandit insource: (for a more literal translation) here is the gist, edited for formatting/chronological order/correct minor errors:.
regional convention 2017 rumors.
theme: the bible and the divine name.. 3 dramas and 2 dramatic bible readings.. .
Room 215
So Jesus is back in the closet as they revert to focusing on the Old Testament, complete with incantations to the Desert God of the Hebrews.
Nice work, by the way, Wifibandit!
Midweek meeting video
by aboveusonlysky indid anybody see the service meeting video this week?.
australian sister was sexually abused as a child and thought of ending her life at 14 years old, sometime later jw's call on her father who accepts a study and eventually the whole family becomes witnesses, life gets much better as the sister immerses herself in pioneering etc, she still has some dark days but prayer along with going for walks and swimming has helped her cope with bad memories of child abuse, the new system (just around the corner) will completely fix everything......... i'm dumbfounded, the hypocrisy has literally rendered me speechless......comments anybody?.
Room 215
sr82: "So it is strongly implied that the abuse occurred prior to their conversion,"
They're masters at the "strongly implying" innuendo game: "Looking for a religion" may well be another head-feint to camouflage an incident which occurred when the father might have been studying but not as yet baptized... we can't know, of course.. but it would not be unsurprising given their duplicitous penchant for misinformation.
Midweek meeting video
by aboveusonlysky indid anybody see the service meeting video this week?.
australian sister was sexually abused as a child and thought of ending her life at 14 years old, sometime later jw's call on her father who accepts a study and eventually the whole family becomes witnesses, life gets much better as the sister immerses herself in pioneering etc, she still has some dark days but prayer along with going for walks and swimming has helped her cope with bad memories of child abuse, the new system (just around the corner) will completely fix everything......... i'm dumbfounded, the hypocrisy has literally rendered me speechless......comments anybody?.
Room 215
I haven't seen the video, of course, but one question springs immediately to mind: does it give any clue as to the identity of the perpetrator? JW on non-JW? Relative or stranger? Again their focus remains on the victim "getting over it," not on prosecuting the criminal.
No coincidence they pick an incident involving a case in Australia...
What do you think would have happened to you if...
by LevelThePlayingField inyou found out about ttatt way back in the 70's or maybe the 80's (basically before the internet) and you thought that you were all alone in this knowledge?
what do you think would have happened to you?
no, no john cedars, no arc, no and no crisis of conscience to fall back on.
Room 215
Another branch of that early "phone tree" mentioned by Village Idiot was Ron Frye, a former Circuit Overseer from Minnesota. I recall fondly his thoughtful, well-written if rudimentary periodical "The Christian Respondent."
This week's WT study article "Keep on the Watch" - the latest dumb article from the Gang That Couldn't Think Straight
by sir82 inok so this week's wt study article is entitled "why must we keep on the watch?"..
it is filled with statements on the importance of "being watchful" for the beginning of the "great tribulation".
paragraph 2: “keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.”after that, jesus admonished them repeatedly: “keep on the watch.”.
Room 215
..... And what in the world was the point of that photo on the first page of the article supposed to convey? Are the JWs happily bantering and associating before the start of the program to be commended for their punctuality and contributing to the mutual interchange of spiritual encouragement, or to be censured for being rudely inattentive to the trombones blaring on the large monitor?
Joseph and his generation
by maninthemiddle inso the wt used ex 1:6 to define a generation from the very beginning.
then in the this september broadcast the same person (splain) who spent 20 min with charts to explain a generation, makes a point that joseph and his brothers were very close in age?
(min 4:29).
Room 215
So Splane, the current WT pseudointellectual, ties himself into knots trying to defend the indefensible.
Jehovah's Witnesses post 'anti-gay' 'Harness Your Habits' leaflet in North Devon
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses post 'anti-gay' 'harness your habits' leaflet in north devon.
devon and cornwall police have said a leaflet posted through doors in north devon isn't a crime – despite it advising gay people to "control their urges".the leaflet, entitled "how to harness your habits", was distributed in north devon by jehovah's witnesses and contains an article asking "what does the bible say about homosexuality?
"in it, the religious group states that "rejecting homosexuality" is completely different to "rejecting people of a different skin colour" and says their views are the same as people who "view smoking as harmful and even repugnant".it also compares gay people to animals, but says "unlike animals, they can choose not to act on their impulses".the journal was contacted by a reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, who felt "belittled" by the leaflet.
Room 215
What happened to the focus on the "Good News of the Kingdom" mantra in their public ministry?